Genre: Fiction / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

The final post in the series celebrating Queer love, where I was highlighting books across various sexual identities. Today’s post is highlighting polyamorous relationships in romance novels. Now, there are identities that were previously highlighted in other installments that these books would fit into. However, we are highlighting anything where […]

Project 100 Unread – February 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – February 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread is underway and while I’ve added many books to my home, I have been making progress on finishing my owned print copies. In reflecting on what I’ve been reading, I thought it would be fun to do a monthly reflection post on what I’ve read in a […]

June 2024 New Romance Releases

June 2024 New Romance Releases

We’re five months into the year and have somehow stumbled into June. One of my favorite things to look at every month are what books are coming out from both favorite and new-to-me authors. Is my TBR (to be read) list overflowing? Yes, yes it is. Am I still going […]