Genre: Fiction / Romance / General

My Library Holds List

My Library Holds List

I am a fairly avid library user, though with reading more Indie books, I definitely use it less than I used to. However, when I’m looking for a traditionally published book, I tend to go to the library and use their digital collection. This post isn’t focusing on how to […]

Project 100 Unread – June Reads

Project 100 Unread – June Reads

Similar to prior posts, today I’m highlighting the books that I read in June to help with my Project 100 Unread. If this is your first time hearing about this project, essentially, I’m trying to read down my owned unread books to be 100 or less by January 1, 2030. […]

Priority TBR for 2024

Priority TBR for 2024

Now that we’ve gone through my favorite so far this week, let’s talk about my priority TBR (to be read) for the remainder of 2024. In crafting this list, these are books that I’ve had on my radar for awhile or even out on Kindle Unlimited for a stupid amount […]

Top 10 Books of 2024…So Far

Top 10 Books of 2024…So Far

With six (6) months of the year under our belt, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my favorite books so far this year. It’s always incredibly challenging to narrow down my favorite books. Books become favorites either because it is quite literally the best thing I’ve ever […]

Project 100 Unread – May 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – May 2024 Reads

With May behind us (how?!), it’s time to round up the books that I read to help make progress on Project 100 Unread. If you’ve not heard this challenge before, Project 100 Unread is a challenge I created for myself to help me read down my unread print book collection. […]

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

The final post in the series celebrating Queer love, where I was highlighting books across various sexual identities. Today’s post is highlighting polyamorous relationships in romance novels. Now, there are identities that were previously highlighted in other installments that these books would fit into. However, we are highlighting anything where […]

Celebrating Queer Love – Trans Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Trans Books

Continuing with the Queer Love theme, I wanted to highlight and talk about Trans books that are so often not highlighted. Every year the Trans Rights Readathon is a great way for me to receive recommendations of various books under the Trans identity that I want to make space for: […]

July 2024 New Romance Releases

July 2024 New Romance Releases

It’s my birthday month, and what better way to celebrate than talking about the books that I’m excited about publishing in July 2024. Yes this is a little late, life got away from me. But here are 6 books that I’m really excited about that are coming out this month. […]

Project 100 Unread – April 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – April 2024 Reads

Continuing my wrap-up series for books I read in April 2024 that help me make progress on Project 100 Unread. If you’re new here, Project 100 Unread is a reading project I created for myself back in February 2024 to read down my the volume of unread print books in […]

Celebrating Queer Love – Sapphic Romance Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Sapphic Romance Boo..

Continuing my Queer romance series and today we’re highlighting sapphic romances. Now, I LOVE sapphic romances. I don’t know what it is about them, but when preparing for all of these posts this is the sexual identity that I have the most books read under. And I want to read […]