Genre: Fiction / Romance / Erotica

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Polyamorous Books

The final post in the series celebrating Queer love, where I was highlighting books across various sexual identities. Today’s post is highlighting polyamorous relationships in romance novels. Now, there are identities that were previously highlighted in other installments that these books would fit into. However, we are highlighting anything where […]

July 2024 New Romance Releases

July 2024 New Romance Releases

It’s my birthday month, and what better way to celebrate than talking about the books that I’m excited about publishing in July 2024. Yes this is a little late, life got away from me. But here are 6 books that I’m really excited about that are coming out this month. […]

Kindle Unlimited TBR

Kindle Unlimited TBR

As an avid user of Kindle Unlimited (and Kobo+, but that’s not the focus today), I love videos/posts where people are talking about the books they have out from the subscription service. If you’re unfamiliar, Kindle Unlimited (KU) is a subscription service through Amazon where you can have 20 books […]

Why Choose When You can have All Three – MAKING HER THEIRS by Lily Manning

Why Choose When You can have All Three – MAK..

When I saw the synopsis of Making Her Theirs I knew I needed to request an e-ARC to read. I love why choose romance and always jump at the chance to read others. There’s something about not having to choose between all of the love interests that creates an interesting […]