Genre: Fiction / Fantasy / General

Priority TBR for 2024

Priority TBR for 2024

Now that we’ve gone through my favorite so far this week, let’s talk about my priority TBR (to be read) for the remainder of 2024. In crafting this list, these are books that I’ve had on my radar for awhile or even out on Kindle Unlimited for a stupid amount […]

Celebrating Queer Love – Trans Books

Celebrating Queer Love – Trans Books

Continuing with the Queer Love theme, I wanted to highlight and talk about Trans books that are so often not highlighted. Every year the Trans Rights Readathon is a great way for me to receive recommendations of various books under the Trans identity that I want to make space for: […]

Project 100 Unread – April 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – April 2024 Reads

Continuing my wrap-up series for books I read in April 2024 that help me make progress on Project 100 Unread. If you’re new here, Project 100 Unread is a reading project I created for myself back in February 2024 to read down my the volume of unread print books in […]

Project 100 Unread – March 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – March 2024 Reads

Let’s take a look at the books I read in March 2024 that fall into the Project 100 Unread. If you’re unfamiliar with this project, I’m trying to read down my print book collection from the current over 300 unread books to 100 or less by January 1, 2030 (yes, […]

Kindle Unlimited TBR

Kindle Unlimited TBR

As an avid user of Kindle Unlimited (and Kobo+, but that’s not the focus today), I love videos/posts where people are talking about the books they have out from the subscription service. If you’re unfamiliar, Kindle Unlimited (KU) is a subscription service through Amazon where you can have 20 books […]