Genre: Fiction / Fantasy / Action & Adventure

My Library Holds List

My Library Holds List

I am a fairly avid library user, though with reading more Indie books, I definitely use it less than I used to. However, when I’m looking for a traditionally published book, I tend to go to the library and use their digital collection. This post isn’t focusing on how to […]

Project 100 Unread – June Reads

Project 100 Unread – June Reads

Similar to prior posts, today I’m highlighting the books that I read in June to help with my Project 100 Unread. If this is your first time hearing about this project, essentially, I’m trying to read down my owned unread books to be 100 or less by January 1, 2030. […]

Priority TBR for 2024

Priority TBR for 2024

Now that we’ve gone through my favorite so far this week, let’s talk about my priority TBR (to be read) for the remainder of 2024. In crafting this list, these are books that I’ve had on my radar for awhile or even out on Kindle Unlimited for a stupid amount […]

Top 10 Books of 2024…So Far

Top 10 Books of 2024…So Far

With six (6) months of the year under our belt, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my favorite books so far this year. It’s always incredibly challenging to narrow down my favorite books. Books become favorites either because it is quite literally the best thing I’ve ever […]

Project 100 Unread – February 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread – February 2024 Reads

Project 100 Unread is underway and while I’ve added many books to my home, I have been making progress on finishing my owned print copies. In reflecting on what I’ve been reading, I thought it would be fun to do a monthly reflection post on what I’ve read in a […]

Kindle Unlimited TBR

Kindle Unlimited TBR

As an avid user of Kindle Unlimited (and Kobo+, but that’s not the focus today), I love videos/posts where people are talking about the books they have out from the subscription service. If you’re unfamiliar, Kindle Unlimited (KU) is a subscription service through Amazon where you can have 20 books […]

June 2024 New Romance Releases

June 2024 New Romance Releases

We’re five months into the year and have somehow stumbled into June. One of my favorite things to look at every month are what books are coming out from both favorite and new-to-me authors. Is my TBR (to be read) list overflowing? Yes, yes it is. Am I still going […]