New Releases This Week (7/10-7/16)

Posted July 11, 2022 by Alyssa in New Releases / 0 Comments

It’s time to share a handful of new releases from this week that I’m most excited about. All three of the books I’m sharing come out on Tuesday, July 12 and all from new to me authors.

cover of the contemporary romance release BET ON IT by Jodie Slaughter. It features a purple cover with a black woman and white man on the cover with a large bingo board held between them.


Bet On It by Jodie Slaughter is a contemporary romance published by St. Martin’s.

I’ve had my eye on this book for a few months now despite not reading from the author previously. It sounds like it’s going to have some solid mental health representation and character work that includes healing from trauma. Honestly, what made me most excited for this book was the phrase “bingo-based sex pact”.

Tropes: I’m guessing grumpy/sunshine, but unable to fully tell from the blurb.

Content warnings: panic attacks, drug addiction, child neglect, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD.

Quick overview: Aja and Walker initially meet when Aja has a panic attack in the Piggly Wiggly. Their second meet is when Walker joins his grandmother for bingo, and Aja happens to be her bingo buddy. There’s a bingo-based sex pact involved to try and keep things from getting out hand.

cover of the contemporary romance novel THE ROMANCE RECIPE by Ruby Barrett featuring two white women on the cover. One of the women wear's a white chef's coat, and her arm is around the other women. Both of their noses are touching with slight smiles on their faces.


The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett is a contemporary romance out from Carina Adores.

This book not only had me at sapphic romance, but add in a restaurant owner and chef to the mix, and I knew that I needed to place this on hold at my library immediately. I’m so excited to find new sapphic contemporary romances and request them at my library, and this felt like the perfect candidate. Rereading the blurb to write this post reminded me why I wanted to read this book in the first place.

Tropes: grumpy/sunshine.

Content warnings: homophobia, emotional abuse.

Quick overview: a restaurant owner and her head chef fall in love by way of a new foodie television show that might provide the restaurant the exposure it needs.

cover of the contemporary romance CIRCLING BACK TO YOU by Julie Tieu. The cover features an Asian woman and Asian man. Both are sitting in cubicles and looking over their shoulder at each other.


Circling Back to You by Julie Tieu is a contemporary romance out from Avon Books.

I’ve had my eye on Julie Tieu’s book since Donut Fall in Love first came out. This book has a couple of my favorite tropes and the premise sounds like something I’m going to enjoy. Not unlike others, another that I’ll be reading through my library.

Tropes: workplace, fake dating.

Content warnings: sexism, grief, death of a parent.

Quick overview: Cadence and Matt end up having to take a business trip to their home town results in fake dating for a family gathering. Both are also up for competing promotions and will have to navigate previously buried feelings alongside it.


All of these books are ones I currently have on hold from my library and am looking forward to reading as they become available. What is a new release you’re most excited about this week?