Reflecting on 2023 and Setting New Goals

Posted December 31, 2023 by Alyssa in Reading Goals / 0 Comments

With the end of 2023 upon us, I’ve been spending some time reflecting on my reading for the year to help me identify what my goals are for 2024. I had some high highs in the reading world this year; from reading some new all time favorites to attending some book conventions to making new bookish friends. I also had a pretty significant slump that lasted months (July-November; though will note I had a health event in November that didn’t help things). I think I’ve been able to identify what the heck happened and how to navigate through reading in 2024.

So let’s recap 2023!

I’m ending the year with around 85 books. I say around because I’m absolutely posting this on New Year’s Eve, but I’m still listening to some novellas in the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh that I may finish yet today.

Just over 25% of the books I read were by and about BIPOC folks. While this is down from 2022, I’m still happy with how I was able to turn this statistic around in the back half of the year. I found myself reading a ton of books (that I ultimately wasn’t enjoying, if I’m honest) that were recommended on various social media that had not one BIPOC character in sight. The quality of my reading has changed drastically since attending Steamy Lit and really focusing on reading books by and about BIPOC folks (shout out to the 23 for 23 challenge for helping nudge me along through this).

I read 48 new to me authors, which is way higher than I was anticipating. I’m so glad that I spent so much time with new to me authors – some of what I read are easily favorites of the year and favorites of all time. Of course, I still have some of my tried and true (looking at you Katee Robert, Kennedy Ryan, Chloe Liese and Nalini Singh), but to see so many new to me authors is incredible.

Romance was my top genre – shocking no one. I did have quite a bit of fantasy though this year. I read a super popular YA fantasy (with a dash of romance) series over the summer and have been chasing those vibes. The good news – I’ve read some STELLAR works that have given me the vibes I’ve been looking for and setting me up for releases I need to pre-order for 2024.

My average rating is about 4.11; which is quite high! While there were some lows with some books I took a risk on or read for a book club, there were 26 five (5) stars. Any year that a book moves me so much that I can give it 5 stars is a good year in my opinion.

Goals for 2024

From the above reflections, I’ve been able to identify my goals for 2024 and I’m so excited for another year of reading.

  • First and foremost, I set my reading goal at about 12 books a year. I tried something different in 2023 and I didn’t not work so we’re going back to a goal of 12. At a bare minimum (when life is doing its thing), I want to read one (1) book a month. I certainly plan to do more, but this is the bare minimum.
  • I want 50% of my books to be written by BIPOC authors featuring BIPOC characters. I have some challenges (in a forthcoming post) that will help me keep on track for this one.
  • I want to review more books on this blog, primarily those written by BIPOC folks (as well as posting to social media more regularly). While I do read books by white authors, unless it is an absolute new favorite, BIPOC authors do not receive nearly as much of a marketing push as white authors do and I want to use this space I’ve carved on the internet to highlight the authors and books I’m reading.
  • When I’m preordering books, focusing on books written by BIPOC authors (are you noticing a theme here?). I started doing this since August and will continue on this trend.

Final thoughts

I honestly had a such an amazing reading year and have some fun posts planned to wrap up my 2023 reading (top favorite books anyone?), but I’m so excited about all the fun reading I have to come in 2024. What are some of your reading goals for 2024?