My Top Authors to Try in 2023

Posted January 11, 2023 by Alyssa in Reading Goals / 0 Comments

If you read my most recent post on My 2023 Reading Goals, you’ll know that I want to try at least 50 new to me authors in 2023. New to me can mean front list or back list titles, but it has to be a an author that until 2023, I have never read from before. In thinking through what I wanted to post as a continuation of 2023 reading goal like content, I wanted to share my top authors to try in 2023.

Top Authors to Try:

  • Sophie Lark – I own Brutal Birthright and got to meet Sophie at the Wanderlust book signing in San Antonio (September 2022). But I am the absolute worst for still not picking it up. Her newest book Anastasia is one that is also high on my radar.
  • Tasha L. Harrison – I own the Say Yes duet, and a beautiful special edition (from Lucy Eden’s Kickstarter in 2022). I’ve heard amazing things about Tasha’s writing and her books, and yet here we are. I would love to be able to say I’ve finally tried her works in 2023.
  • Kimberly Lemming – another that I own a special edition of, and may have purchased another special edition of That Time I got Drunk & Saved a Demon. It would be nice to know whether I enjoy this authors work since I have beautiful copies. Honestly, Kimberly’s books sound like cozy monster smut – which is something I enjoy.
  • Karina Halle – another author I own a special edition of (are you sensing a theme here?!). I’ve heard really good things about Karina’s writing and she has a wide variety of sub-genres she writes in. I have both some contemporary and paranormal books I’m on my to try list from her.
  • Jenika Snow – I swear this is the last author on this list I’ll say that I have a special edition of a book (with more ordered) that I haven’t yet read. Truthfully, I didn’t realize I accidentally ordered the same book multiple times. Another one that I’m hoping I enjoy since I’ll have multiple beautiful editions. I believe Jenika writes mafia romance, which I’m beginning to dip my toes in so I’m hopeful here.
  • Lisa Kleypas – I own a few of Lisa’s book and I genuinely nothing but amazing things about her works. Historical romance is another sub-genre for me that I’ve started dipping my toes in and have every intention to try Lisa. Am I nervous because she’s so well-loved? Yes that is correct. But Lisa is another author that I have pretty high hopes for.
  • Sarah MacLean – another historical romance author I really want to try! I listen to Sarah’s podcast that she co-hosts (Fated Mates) and really love how she talks about different books and what types of romance she likes to read. She seems like such a lovely human that I really want to try her books. Plus, she’s another author that people seem to love her works.
  • Lynsay Sands – Lynsay writes a combination of historical and paranormal romance. I have picked up some of her historical Highlander romance that people seem to really enjoy. Again, I’m trying to get more into historical romance and have a bunch of authors, including Lynsay, on my list to try from.
  • JL SeegarsRestore Me is a book that I’ve had my eye on to read for probably close to a year now. It’s also a book that I’m seeing talked about more by the individuals I interact with and watch in the BookTube/Bookstagram/BokTok space. I’ve heard it’s amazing and I can’t wait to get wrecked by this story.
  • Alexis Hall – an author that I’ve seen in the book world for several years, but the book that really has me interested in trying Alexis is A Lady for a Duke, which features a trans heroine and is a friends to lover historical romance. Another one that people seemed to love in 2022.
  • Regine Abel – Regine is an author that I’ve seen talked about by people who enjoy sci-fi romance. she has the “I married a …” series that seems bonkers and everything a monster romance lover would like to try. I’ve enjoyed dabbling in monster romance and it’s definitely a sub-genre that I want to continue to read from in 2023.

I have an entire list in my digital reading journal of well over 100 authors to try. It is not reasonable that I’ll try them all, but I like having a list when I start to feel slumpy or not sure what I want to pick up next. If you have any recommendations on where to start with these authors, let me know in the comments!

Harper Collins Strike

As of the time of writing this post, the Harper Collins Union strike is still ongoing. There are authors noted above who publish with Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins. The organizers of the strike have shared that if you are looking to purchase to do so through their page. They’ve also asked to hold any/all reviews under the Harper Collins imprints (does not include Harlequin and associated imprints) until the strike concludes. I stand in support of Union workers everywhere.